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Paper handbag design

2012-04-11 09:44:34

The paper handbag is the most commonly packaging in our daily life, with the restrictions on the use of plastic packaging, all kinds of paper handbag replaced plastic bags in the past, has became a sign of fashion, personality, and environmental friendly packaging. Today I'd like to introduce the simple paper handbag design.

paper handbag box template

Look at the paper handbag box template above, that's the most commonly handbag we've seen, usually we know the sizes of the handbag we could draw the structure with the help of CAD software. During the structural design the following points should pay attention:

1. The folding line of the glued part is always consistent with the glued face, in this way no matter there the glued position it is, the folding line will overlap with the main surface. The glued position in the above photo is on the left, if it is on the right, the folding line will be changed like the following photo:

paper handbag box template

No matter where the glued position it is, bear in mind, the folding line should be overlap with the main surface.

2. The value of F2 should larger than W/2 and smaller than W, W/2<F2<W, then the size of other parameters is easy to decide.

paper handbag dieline template

3. Sometimes because of the sizes of the paper handbag is relatively large, usually it can be devide into 2 parts, then glued together after proofing, please check the photo bellow:

paper handbag box template

We should pay attention to the folding line of the glued position once we aparted them, it should be overlap with the main surface. We can check the 3D modeling when we finished the handbag structural design.

3D paper handbag  modeling

For more paper handbag box templates, please check on Packmage CAD software library.