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Sleeve, folder, folding carton box templates

2012-12-17 10:16:53

As the carton packaging widely used in our daily life, there are many kinds of sleeves, folders, folding carton packaging to suit the product packaging, the following are some sleeve, folder, folding carton box templates for specialty packaging and specific products.

1. Light bulb sleeve

light bulb packaging

The light bulb sleeve template uses inner panels and die cuts to protect and immobilize light bulbs. The box template design can be modified to suit similarly fragile products.

2. Open end sleeve template

sleeve template

This open end sleeve template has a finger hole, the finger holes and open-end construction allow easy access to the object inside the sleeve template.

3. Folder template

folder template

It is a shallow folder template, This folder template makes economical use of resources for packaging flat items such as hosiery. Its tuck-in closure can be sealed or replaced with a pull-strip to make the container tamper resistant.

4. Pillow template

Pillow template

The pillow template functions well for packaging soft items such as clothing or a number of small pieces. It is easily assembled and can be stored in flat-packed state. The packaging design of the pillow template can also be easily modified to a pull-strip closure.

5. Bottle hanger

box hanger

The bottle hanger template is a one-piece construction lends itself to a variety of lightweight, cylindrical items and provides maximum product visibility as well as protection.

6. Displays template

displays template

The displays template mainly used to promote the sells of the product, the extended lid flap on this carton opens to reveal a display recess to accommodate a product. Cut from a single sheet, this design requires only one side of the board to be printed.

7. Folding carton box template with push-in closure

folding carton box template

The folding carton box template is a six sided carton, the small triangles have been die-cut out of the top closure to permit easier closing. Assembly requires glue on the side but not on the bottom of the carton. Suitable for novelty and gift items.

8. Setup box template

setup box template

It is a simple step-up box template, it involves scoring a sheet of box board so that the sides can be folded at right angles to the base. The side panels are fastened at the corners with tape, fabric, or metal. The assembled box is covered with a precut sheet of paper that is scored at the fold lines, adhered to the outside, and wrapped around the box edges so that it covers a portion of the interior. Two trays, such as the one shown here, are typically combined to form a box and lid.

9. Triangular box template

triangular box

The triangular box template has a raised platform, it is alternative to the standard, four-sided box makes an unusual presentation. The deep lid makes this construction suitable for a perfume bottle or other vertical container.

10. hanged-lid box template

hanged lid box

The vertical nature of this box makes it an ideal container for cigarette, chalk, crayons, discs, or as a document holder.

11. Tube and slide box template

tube and slide

the tube and slide box template construction functions much like a matchbox as a container for loose items. All those sleeve, folder and folding carton box templates are available or can be draw in Packmage CAD software, all you need to do is to input the proper length, width and depth value, then you can check the 3D box blank sample, it is easy and effective.