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Steps in cardboard box structure design

2013-02-20 11:15:29

Along with the rapid development of the growing demand for carton packaging in the modern packaging industry, the cardboard packaging under the premise of protection and promotions functions, now has to reflect the convenience function. For the consumer, the most important thing is to make packaging easier to use, especially the way to open the packaging, excellent cardboard packaging design should reflect the structural design aspects in details.

The designer usually measure the size directly on the sample in the cardboard box structural design, but there are some errors which may not meet the ideal requirements. Let's take the tube folding carton structural design as a sample to analyze how to proceed the cardboard box structural design.

Firstly we should obtain the size of the cardboard box, we could label the size of the various components of the tubular folding carton. According to European standards, with reference to the calculation method of the tubular folding carton structural design, the ruler measurement tedious work can be avoided. Therefore, we only need to know the size and weight of the contents, calculated through simple steps, then we can start to draw the structure diagram, drawing and forming.

For example, the tubler cardboard box length 60mm, width 40mm, depth 80mm, density 0.5/cm³,and the tublar cardboard box is a reverse tuck structure, then we could start the cardboard box structure design.

Step 1. select cardboard

Product volume: V = 60mm × 40mm × 80mm = 192cm3

Product weight: m = 192cm3 × 0.5g/cm3 = 0.096kg

Take the above two factors accounted, referring to cardboard attribute, we could select the caliper 0.46mm cardboard as the processed material.

Step 2. Parameters related with the caliper

We've already known A = 60mm, B = 40mm, H = 80mm, D = 0.46mm, according to the above photo the other parameters can be calculated: E = B-1.5 = 38.5mm, EX = 0.5mm, B4 = B-0.5 = 39.5mm, V = 0.75mm, FX = 0.50mm, ZX = 2.0mm, YH = 0.75mm, S = 0.25mm, FS = V / 2 = 0.375mm.

Step 3. The cover and radius design

With reference to the cover size calculation formula, because of the folding carton of 40 mm in width, so choose the size of the cover sheet F is 16mm. The FR size also can be calculated according to the radius calculation formula, FR = 19mm.

Step 4. The dust flaps design

With reference to the relevant data substituting to the formula: G=(E+F+EX)/2=(38.5+16+0.5)/2=27.5mm, after inspection, it meets the requirements.

Step 5. Glue flap design

According to the formula, we could calculate M=2*(A+B+E+F+EX)+H=2*(60+40+38.5+16+0.5)+80=390mm, then C=11mm.

Step 6. Local part design

We've already known length A 60mm, we could calculate Y is 6 mm, Z is 3.5mm according to the formula. In all the six steps we can draw graphics dimensions as follows:


According to the above data, combined with professional graphics rendering software, for example, any one of: CorelDRAW or AI, you can quickly complete the cardboard box structure design. Of course, for the fresh designer, Packmage CAD carton box template design software might be a better solution because it has included all the calculation formula inside, users only need to input the length, width, depth and caliper value to get the cardboard box design done.

This article is released by Packmage CAD software(http://www.packmage.com), you are welcome to reprint, please do not forget to link to us.